Saturday, January 2, 2016

Merry Christmas!

MERRY CHRISTMAS! In the Catholic Church, Christmas isn’t just one day. The season of Christmas begins on December 25th and doesn’t end until we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. You officially have an excuse to leave those decorations up… Just make sure they aren’t still up in February!

Beyond this season though, we can embrace the spirit of Christmas and celebrate it at every single Mass. Christmas represents the day that Jesus was born into this world. He came down from Heaven and became physically present among us. Sound familiar? Every single Mass, He does the same thing. Heaven literally touches Earth during the source and summit of our faith—the Mass—just like it did on that first Christmas.

Don’t let the joy and spirit of Christmas end. Carry it with you every day knowing that Christ, in the Eucharist, is very much among us. Alleluia!

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