Monday, January 11, 2016

Christ's Humanity

This Sunday, we got to hear about the only recorded time in the Bible that all three persons of the Trinity are present, but also about Jesus’ baptism. He didn’t need to be baptized, since He was born without Original Sin and had never sinned Himself, yet He allowed Himself to be baptized by John to show His humanity.

Jesus is fully God and fully Man. We often focus on Him as solely God forgetting that He lived on this earth amongst us. He felt pain. He felt joy and sadness. He laughed. He cried. His baptism is part of that humanity. It is a part of Him that makes Him like us. We need the cleansing waters of Baptism to wash away the stain of Original Sin, with which we have all been born. In essence, He showed us what happens, since the Holy Spirit descending upon Him in the same way we receive the Gifts of the Spirit.

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