Monday, January 25, 2016

One Body

God doesn’t make mistakes. We were all created with our own gifts that are to be used to glorify Him. Some of us are super organized (some of us… I’m not… but some of us are). Some of us are strong leaders. Some of us are strong speakers. We all have gifts given to us by our Creator. No one is great at EVERYTHING. And no one is great at NOTHING. Together, we form the body of Christ.
Just as the eye or the nose would be useless by itself, so are our gifts. We are meant for community. Every vocation is tethered to a community. We receive the Eucharist at Mass during a time of Communion. Through our creation to Christ’s death on the Cross to our families to our Baptism, we are united as a part of this universal Church. This Body has many parts, but it is very much ONE.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Listen to Your Mom

BREAKING NEWS! Jesus drank wine! *gasp* This Sunday, we learned that if you were having a party back in Jesus’ day, and you ran out of wine, He was the guy you hoped you invited. More importantly though, this is Gospel passage has two important messages: 1. Do what Jesus says. 2. Jesus does what His mom says.

In Jesus’ time, weddings used to last a full week. The honeymoon and wedding were basically the same thing. It takes a lot of wine to last week, and typically, they didn’t save the best for last. In this case, when they ran out, Mary went to her Son for a miracle. Like many of us with our own moms, He told her no. She told the servants to do whatever He said anyway, and He did as she asked despite saying no originally.

Why do we pray for Mary’s intercession? Because Jesus listens to His mom.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Christ's Humanity

This Sunday, we got to hear about the only recorded time in the Bible that all three persons of the Trinity are present, but also about Jesus’ baptism. He didn’t need to be baptized, since He was born without Original Sin and had never sinned Himself, yet He allowed Himself to be baptized by John to show His humanity.

Jesus is fully God and fully Man. We often focus on Him as solely God forgetting that He lived on this earth amongst us. He felt pain. He felt joy and sadness. He laughed. He cried. His baptism is part of that humanity. It is a part of Him that makes Him like us. We need the cleansing waters of Baptism to wash away the stain of Original Sin, with which we have all been born. In essence, He showed us what happens, since the Holy Spirit descending upon Him in the same way we receive the Gifts of the Spirit.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Merry Christmas!

MERRY CHRISTMAS! In the Catholic Church, Christmas isn’t just one day. The season of Christmas begins on December 25th and doesn’t end until we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. You officially have an excuse to leave those decorations up… Just make sure they aren’t still up in February!

Beyond this season though, we can embrace the spirit of Christmas and celebrate it at every single Mass. Christmas represents the day that Jesus was born into this world. He came down from Heaven and became physically present among us. Sound familiar? Every single Mass, He does the same thing. Heaven literally touches Earth during the source and summit of our faith—the Mass—just like it did on that first Christmas.

Don’t let the joy and spirit of Christmas end. Carry it with you every day knowing that Christ, in the Eucharist, is very much among us. Alleluia!