God doesn’t make mistakes. We were all created with our own
gifts that are to be used to glorify Him. Some of us are super organized (some
of us… I’m not… but some of us are). Some of us are strong leaders. Some of us
are strong speakers. We all have gifts given to us by our Creator. No one is
great at EVERYTHING. And no one is great at NOTHING. Together, we form the body
of Christ.
Just as the eye or the nose would be useless by itself, so
are our gifts. We are meant for community. Every vocation is tethered to a
community. We receive the Eucharist at Mass during a time of Communion. Through
our creation to Christ’s death on the Cross to our families to our Baptism, we
are united as a part of this universal Church. This Body has many parts, but it
is very much ONE.