Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Advent - Joy

Sunday was the third of four in our current Advent season. Gaudete Sunday. Joy. We take a break from waiting and anticipating to rejoice! There are a few reasons this happens, and it’s not just so our priests can wear rose-colored vestments (don’t call them pink… whatever you do).
1.     We are celebrating that Christmas is coming! It’s not “Christmas MIGHT come.” Christmas IS coming!
2.     We can rejoice because Christmas has already come! The first Christmas was when Jesus entered the world, which has already happened.
3.     As Catholics, the Mass is ALWAYS a time to rejoice. It doesn’t matter what liturgical season it is, Christ has come and conquered death and given us His body to consume.
Catholics should always be filled with joy because we know Jesus. We know that He came down to save us. We know that He died to make that happen. We know joy because we know salvation.

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