We’re in the home stretch, but it’s not Christmas yet!
First, we heard an amazing (my favorite) story this weekend about Mary
(pregnant with Jesus) visiting her cousin Elizabeth (pregnant with John). John
actually leaps in his mother’s womb at the mere presence of an unborn Jesus!
God came into the world in such an inconspicuous manner—in the womb of Mary as
a baby. This is obviously one of many reasons why the Church is against
abortion, but it is also a testament to the source and summit of our faith—the Eucharist.
Every Sunday at every Mass, Jesus again enters this world in
an inconspicuous way. He becomes physically present (Body, Blood, Soul, and
Divinity) in what was once a piece of bread. Like an infant Jesus, it’s easy to
confuse this Sacrament for something else. Yet, like John, we should recognize
His presence and leap with joy!