Monday, November 9, 2015


Let’s say you have $10. Biblically, $1 of that belongs to the Church. Tithing is not something we as Catholic do very well. Most of us are blessed to be making far more than $10 per week, yet frequently put $1-20 in the collection basket.

Beyond our monetary donation, can you imagine what our lives would look like if we also donated 10% of our waking time to the Church?  That would be about an hour and half.

Why is it so difficult for us to give? The woman in the Gospel reading this Sunday didn’t have much, but she gave EVERYTHING. She gave all “$10”! Seemingly, it was insignificant and couldn’t help all that much, but that’s not that point. She was willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING for God and the Church. Whether it’s our time, money, or the effort we put into following Church teaching, I think we can all give and sacrifice a little more.

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